One of the lessons that were emphasized again and again, whilst I studied the Alexander Technique and martial arts was how to stand in a comfortable way that ensured that your spine and neck were not compressed.
When the neck and spine is compressed, it puts immense pressure on the body and especially the torso. The body becomes heavy and difficult to move. The torso slumps and if not checked over a period of time, people could develop a hunch.
People’s perception changes when they see a slumped body or a compressed torso. It gives out the wrong signals to the other person. A lot of self confidence issues come up in people.
The warriors cloud is a simple visualisation exercise which allows you to stand and move upright keep the centre of gravity balanced in the body.
How to do it?
Stand with your feet as broad as your shoulders. You must be careful that the feet aren’t too wide. We usually think our shoulders are broader than they actually are. So be carefully.
Keep the back straight. In one of the previous entries, I did describe how to ensure a neutral spine. Now visualize that a cloud is touching the top of your head (your crown). Get to know the cloud. I tell the participants in my workshops to name the cloud and develop a relationship with the cloud. So please name your cloud. You have to ensure that the crown of your head is ALWAYS touching the cloud. If there is a gap between the head and the cloud, you may be compressing your spine. Keep this AWARENESS at all times.
When the spine is neutral and your back straight, you will find yourself in a more comfortable posture and stance. You will be more confident – all ingredients of a Warrior.
#warriorsjourney, #syngrity, #conversations
Our body should be our main priority
Yes, absolutely Krrish. The more we take to for granted, the quicker it may pack up. 🙂