Kokoro is our unique and holistic wellness offering that focuses on stabilising and aligning the body, physiologically, neurologically, intellectually and emotionally, to bring about an ‘inner calmness’. The intervention is designed around using movement to energize, revitalize and focus the senses. This is an interactive workshop that stimulates participant’s Emotional & Creative drivers using Tai Chi Chuan and Dance your Senses as the primary mediums. The intervention is based on the belief that the body has the keys to wisdom and healing – one just needs to be able to find and use these keys to discover the self-healing power of the body.


Kokoro as an intervention is designed to relax and rejuvenate you through breath-work and organic movement.


The workshop requires a minimum of 3 hours and can also be customised into a day-long session, based on organisational requirements. The session is interactive and practice – based, entailing guided facilitation on movement, stances and breathing.


  • Tai Chi Chuan is an incredibly potent system of mind-body synergy that can be practiced by anybody – young and old alike. It is often called Meditation in Motion.
  • Tai Chi Chuan starts in the space of nothingness and through practice moves into structure or form that is ‘Chuan’.
  • The movements are practiced slowly, softly and at a pace comfortable to the individual and are tranquil and dance-like in nature.
  • The primary focus in the practice is the breath. By breathing deeply and gently in combination with outer activity, the ‘breath- mind-body’ connection is forged, bringing about an inner calmness.


  • It regulates blood pressure, hypertension, and helps with cardiac issues.
  • The different movements work on the different organs and glands, helping and energising them to work at optimum potency.
  • It strengthens the muscles and tendons, aligns the skeletal and neuromuscular system.
  • It also helps to deal with anxiety and mental health issues.

ABOUT DANCE YOUR SENSES – The Five Rhythms (Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness)

  • Dance your Senses is a practice focused on the art of movement and draws from a variety of dance/movement forms, including free form organic movement, Butoh, Stillness Movement, the 5 Rhythms, the 5 Elements, aspects of Tranz Theatre and the Martial arts.
  • Movement is natural to humans and we are all dancers in one way or another. It is not stylised dance or choreographed movements but rather movement as a means of one’s expression.
  • Dance your Senses helps to release the stress and tension held by the body


  • Doing the 5 Rhythms makes it possible to come to terms with inherent mental and emotional blocks
  • It allows one to overcome stagnation and being stuck in a plateau.
  • The rhythms help one to deal with trauma, anxiety, buried anger, insecurity, and lack of self confidence.



Rashid is a renowned practitioner and teacher in the performing arts, various martial arts, and mind-body wellness disciplines. He is an international master instructor in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean martial arts, holding a 6th Dan in Judo, 4th Dan in Kenjutsu (Katori Shinden Ryu and Yagyu Shinden Ryu), 2nd Dan in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu, 2nd Dan in Bojutsu, and 2nd Dan in Jojutsu. Rashid also practices Hakku Ryu Jiu Jitsu, Kyudo, and Budo, and is a contemporary dance instructor and choreographer.

Rashid has explored Physical Theatre and Theatre Movement as both a practitioner and teacher and has served as a Movement/Tai Chi Chuan teacher at the National School of Drama. He founded and is the artistic director of Mobius Strip – a dance theatre performing company, and Earth Rhythms – a world music ensemble playing acoustic and ethnic musical instruments. As a teacher of the performing arts, Rashid has endeavoured to integrate the diverse range of disciplines he practices, creating a methodology and vocabulary using movement and dance to forge a pathway to self-expression and creation.